It’s July! When’s The Right Time to Start Doing Holiday Gift Guide Outreach?


We know what you’re thinking, “Who plans for winter holidays before Halloween?” Editorial directors, that’s who. While consumers have the luxury of waiting until autumn firmly sets in before thinking about what to gift their loved ones, print and online outlets begin narrowing down the products they think their readers will love most as early as August. In fact, Fitness, Popular Science, Better Homes and Gardens, Glamour, Elle, InStyle, WIRED and the coveted O! Magazine Favorite Things issue all close for submissions in early September – which means PR firms around the country are preparing to get their clients submitted.

The value of placement in a holiday gift guide is undeniable. Shoppers in the United States anticipate spending an average of $929 each during the holiday season. Holiday gift guides help companies capitalize on this time of increased spending by generating brand awareness through trusted sources. For example, if your product is featured in the WIRED, Better Homes and Gardens and O! Magazine holiday gift guides, it has the potential of reaching 17.7 million people during a time when they are specifically looking to make purchases!

With the summer quickly drawing to a close, HGG prep is well underway at BIGfish. We might not be listening to Christmas carols quite yet, but we are definitely working with our clients to strategize the best approach for them to achieve the greatest amount of exposure to drive sales this holiday season. An important key to success with a PR agency is engaging them at the right time to get the most bang for your buck – for holiday gift guide season, that means August! From researching to managing media relations and ensuring a positive experience with your product, a public relations agency can ease the burden of handling the day to day PR needs of your business while also helping you capitalize on the holiday buying season.

Holiday gift guides are a great opportunity for companies to drive exposure to their latest and greatest product. Finding the right PR partner to help you turn that exposure into sales and added traffic to your website.  We’re always looking for new and innovative companies to add to our roster of game-changing clients.

If you are interested in hearing more about our holiday gift guide offerings, contact us or click here to have a team member contact you with more information!


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BIG fish PR is an unconventional agency that helps its clients redefine their industries.