How to Get Press at CES


The Consumer Electronic Show (CES) is one of the most prolific tech trade shows in the world. Tech companies from all over descend on Las Vegas for a week in January to announce new products and get face time with some of the most well-known reporters and outlets in the industry. With 6,365 registered press members attending CES in 2019, the opportunities to tell a company’s story are boundless. However, there is tremendous competition to have products and announcements stand out in the noise of CES. Finding the right PR partner early can help a company effectively navigate CES and ensure participation in the show is successful and generates lasting results. 
The BIGfish team has attended every CES since 2006; and we understand how important this annual trade show is for our consumer tech clients; we begin CES preparations in September. From writing press releases and scheduling press meetings, to managing press events and securing top tier coverage, BIGfish knows what steps need to be taken long before our clients arrive in Las Vegas.  In anticipation of CES 2020 and to share our CES know-how, we’ve pulled together a timeline of what a CES PR engagement typically looks like.

September – October

January may seem like a long way away in September, but it is actually the perfect time to begin thinking about and working on your CES plan. September is the best time to engage with a public relations partner to begin strategizing and planning how to make your company’s appearance at CES a valuable one. By engaging early, PR teams like BIGfish are able to develop a deep understanding of your product line and how it stands out from others in the industry.

When BIGfish nails down CES messaging and PR plans

If there was one word to describe Septembers at BIGfish, it would be “organization.” The BIGteam spends the month tracking down due dates for CES Best in Show Awards and preparing materials for top press shows like Pepcom and ShowStoppers. By taking the time to organize our CES gameplan as early as September, BIGfish is able to ensure that all the bases are covered before we arrive at the Las Vegas Convention Center and nothing slips through the cracks.
Once October rolls around, the BIGfish office is in full CES mode. Developing a strategy that best aligns with our clients’ announcement goals, the BIGteam spends the month drafting talking points, FAQ documents and creating press kits for the upcoming announcements that can answer any reporter questions that might arise. With weekly client calls to discuss developments, the BIGfish team brings forth an unparalleled level of commitment, engagement, and expertise and begins to feel like an extension of your company’s internal communications team.

November – December

Between Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas, there are only 37 business days in November and December combined. It’s crunch time for CES. By November, the overarching strategy of your CES appearance is planned. Your PR partner already signed you up for Pepcom and ShowStoppers (the major press events that take place off the CES show floor) and submitted the materials these shows need, such as social posts, media kits and table top materials. With announcement details finalized internally, your PR partner will draft a press release for approval before you depart for the Thanksgiving holiday.

When BIGfish starts getting press meetings lined up

Once the press release is finalized by late-November or early-December, the BIGteam begins targeted embargoed outreach to the CES, Pepcom and ShowStoppers pre-registered press lists to arrange embargoed interviews and ensure reporters have enough time to prepare a story that goes live when the press release is scheduled to cross the wire.
The BIGfish team meticulously combs through the pre-registered press list provided by CES, Pepcom and ShowStoppers to find the many contacts we regularly ping, as well as new reporters who are likely to cover the announcement. We also spend the the months of November and December arranging press meeting for our clients while they are in Las Vegas. Through aggressive pitching, the BIGteam is able to get your company’s spokespeople face time with influential tech reporters to help build lasting relationships.

January and Beyond

When the BIGteam sees a reporter theyve been in touch with across the room

The new year is here and so is CES. Months of preparations have led to just five short days in Las Vegas. With many details falling into place in December, the week before CES is spent finalizing stories, confirming press meetings and sharing a detailed action plan of what clients can expect when on site.
But perhaps the most important part of participating in CES is what comes after all the tech reporters leave Las Vegas and your company returns home. While CES is the place to announce your products, maintaining relationships with the press who covered your announcement and stopped by on the show floor is an important component of ensuring lasting positive coverage. BIGfish is skilled at handling these relationships and turning announcements into reviews and reviews into features.
CES is a great opportunity for companies to make a splash on the consumer electronic scene. Finding the right PR partner to help you make that announcement can turn a splash into a wave of lasting press hits. We’re always looking for new and innovative companies to add to our roster of game-changing clients.

We’re always looking for new and innovative companies to add to our roster of game-changing clients – if you are interested in hearing more about our CES offerings, contact us or click here to have a team member contact you with more information!


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BIG fish PR is an unconventional agency that helps its clients redefine their industries.