Beaver Country Day School: The Quest to Present at SXSWedu


Today’s blog post is dedicated to one of BIGfish’s newest clients: Beaver Country Day School. Beaver, Chestnut Hill’s independent school for grades 6-12, is at the forefront of education on the local and national levels thanks to its innovative approach to learning. Thus, it made perfect sense for the school to apply to present at SXSWedu 2013; now it just needs to be selected. The prestigious three-day conference in Austin, Texas features compelling presentations from educators nationwide who are committed to engaging learners with 21st century tools and content. Honing in on qualities that set Beaver apart from other schools—namely, the school’s commitment to teaching with technology and preparing its students to be global citizens—Beaver has submitted two proposals to present at SXSWedu.

Votes from the general public are a large factor in determining programming at SXSWedu 2013, meaning Beaver could use some help in order to be selected. From now through October 5, anyone can vote for specific proposals via the SXSW PanelPicker. Simply log-in, read the proposals (if you’re interested), and give them a thumbs up! Beaver’s two proposals are “Design Thinking: Groundbreaking Pedagogy or Logic?” and “Engage in History: Social Media Tearing Down Walls.” Beaver Country Day School and BIGfish appreciate your support in Beaver’s quest to present at SXSWedu. We’ll keep you posted when SXSW makes their decisions!

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