Thank You to Our Summer PR & Copywriting Interns!


It’s hard to believe that it’s already the end of August; this summer has (sadly) flown by. Over the last several weeks, we’ve been wrapping things up with our two summer interns, Julia and Kelly. Julia, our PR intern, worked hard all summer long building media lists, contributing to the BIGfish Twitter account, tracking clients’ press mentions and much more. Kelly, our crafty copywriter, wrote dozens of articles for client Iceland Naturally, blog posts for BIGfish and pitches. We’re definitely going to miss having them around, but wish them the best of luck as they head back to school this fall.
Check out what they have to say about their BIGfish summer internships below! If you like what you see, there’s still a few days left to apply for our fall internships – click here to learn more.
Boston-PR-InternName: Julia Taylor
Hometown: Dedham, MA
College: University of Richmond
Major: Leadership Studies
Minors: Studio Art, Spanish
Favorite part of working at BIGfish: My favorite part of working at BIGfish was learning all there is to know about PR and getting involved in important projects. At such a small agency, I did not feel like an intern, but rather a part of the team. Some of my favorite tasks were writing Iceland Naturally articles and posting tweets on behalf of BIGfish. I also enjoyed researching industry trends so I was always on top of news that was applicable to our clients.
Most valuable lesson learned while working at BIGfish: The most valuable lesson I learned at BIGfish is the importance of proofreading and paying attention to detail. When drafting pitches, articles, and social media posts, it is necessary to proofread multiple times so there are no grammatical errors and so your writing flows.
Advice to future BIGfish interns: Some advice I would give to future interns is to finish projects to your full potential so that you are proud of your work. It is always satisfying to check things off the list knowing that you helped the team out as much as possible.
Where you’d like to be in 5 years: I would like to be living in Boston working for a PR/Marketing agency.

Name: Kelly AndersonBoston-Copywriting-Intern

Hometown: Chelmsford, Massachusetts

College: Emmanuel College

Major: English Writing and Literature

Minors: Studio Art

Favorite part of working at BIGfish: Just being in that beautifully decorated, little office made me happy. I loved writing about Iceland, as it was like a long research project that I was geekily into. I enjoyed being able to do research and write on my own, which was often late at night (how I like it!). And on Fridays when I would come in, everyone at BIGfish was so nice and interesting. There were many things to like about it!

Most valuable lesson learned while working at BIGfish:   I think I really learned how to become more comfortable with receiving edits from the rest of the team on things I worked on. At first, I was shocked and a little ashamed to see how many things I had done imperfectly. But then I realized that just because it could be better, didn’t mean it was bad! I learned that in writing for a business, everything is a process and there’s no way what I turn in first will be “perfect” right away.

Advice to future BIGfish interns: I’d advise future BIGfish interns to not be afraid to ask any question they have! The BIGfishers love, love, love email, and so there’s no reason not to send them a message with whatever you’re thinking about your work.

Where you’d like to be in 5 years: In five years I’d like to be working a job I feel creatively pleased in, living in a cool city with great friends and a decent apartment. I’d also like to maybe own a vespa and a West Highland Terrier by then.

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BIG fish PR is an unconventional agency that helps its clients redefine their industries.