Our Favorite App of the Month: Streak!

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Spring cleaning is right around the corner, and what better place to start than with your inbox? In the BIGoffice, Streak helps to organize our busy inboxes and keep track of all client and reporter correspondence with ease. Keep reading to learn why we chose Streak as the App of the Month!

What it is: 
Streak is a workflow and productivity manager that you can use right in your Gmail account (as a Google Drive extension) or on your mobile device to effectively manage a consistent flow of emails. With the ability to program Streak to automatically group emails, you can view data through your Gmail account in a spreadsheet format, called a Pipeline. Each row of the spreadsheet is a Box, and for the BIGteam, each Box is for a different project, press release, or inbound request. Boxes allow you to take notes to keep track of interactions, and share the conversations and notes with team members.

Streak has an option to schedule emails to be sent later. For example, you could type out an email and prepare it to be sent, but schedule it to send at 11:00am the next day. This option is helpful in making sure emails are sent on time, even if your schedule is busy and you might not be at your desk all day.

Finally, to manage conversation threads where the conversation begins branching off to other topics, Streak has a thread splitter to easily separate the conversations into new Boxes. Each of these tools are small shortcuts that work to ease and organize everyday traffic in your email inbox.

Why we love it:Streak helps streamline the BIGteam’s daily communication with clients, reporters and BIGteam members. As each member of the team is involved in multiple accounts, the ability to group and share emails helps to keep everyone on the team in the loop on potential opportunities, clients and projects. The BIGteam often uses it to keep track of inbounds, press releases and the status of different projects – plus the note feature in Boxes ensures we don’t miss out on any details. Overall, Streak’s features help us in following the best PR practices for our clients.

Tips for using it:
To get the most out of Streak’s Boxes and Pipelines, be sure to use the note taking option to summarize who each conversation is with and what information has been shared so far. This will reduce extra time spent reading through old conversations.

Streak is not only available on the web, but also on your mobile device. The Streak mobile app allows you to continue these practices on the go, and provides additional features specific to your mobile device. You can search all of your interactions, notes, and notifications from Streak on your phone. Streak also has the ability to log phone conversations and share phone numbers.

Streak can be downloaded for free on its website and is built directly into Gmail! Additional plans offered include a professional plan at $59 per user per month, or an enterprise plan at $159 per user per month. It also exists as native Android and iOS applications for your mobile devices and is available for download on the Apple store and Google Play store.

Do you use Streak in your office? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter!

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BIG fish PR is an unconventional agency that helps its clients redefine their industries.