June 3, 2019

Meet Our Summer Interns!

BIGfish public relations interns

Meet our summer interns: Emily, Madeline and Emily! We’re so excited to have them on board. Here’s some background on the latest aspiring PR pros to join the BIGfish team this summer!

Name: Emily Conlin
Twitter: e_conlin5
Linkedin: Emily Conlin
Hometown: Andover, MA
Tell us a little bit about your background:
I am a rising senior at Boston University where I am studying communications with a focus in public relations. When graduating high school and deciding what I wanted to study in college, the idea of working in the public relations industry came about. I realized it was kind of a mix between marketing and journalism. Both were career paths I was deciding between, so I figured and soon realized PR was the fit for me.
What attracted you to BIGfish?
What attracted me to BIGfish was how forward-thinking the company was. The website and clients screamed innovation. When learning about BIGfish, I understood that the internship would push me outside of my comfort zone but rather than frightening me, it excited me.
Describe yourself in 5 words:

  1. Funny (I make myself laugh ALL the time.)
  2. Kind
  3. Imaginative
  4. Passionate
  5. Family-Oriented

What’s your favorite food?
The hardest question ever but I would have to go with tacos or any kind of Mexican food.
What do you hope to accomplish in this internship?
I am coming in with only a “textbook” experience of Public Relations as this is my first official PR internship. So I hope to accomplish taking what I have learned in the classroom and turning it into real world experience here at BIGfish.
Anything else we should know about you?
It is more than 5 words, so I couldn’t use it to describe myself. I am a DIE HARD Boston Sports fan, to a fault. That is why, at this moment, I don’t think I will live anywhere besides Massachusetts for my entire life. I could talk about Tom Brady or the Boston Celtics all day… If anyone would actually listen for that long.
Name: Maddie Hughes
Twitter: maddie__hughes
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/madeline-hughes-401933167/
Hometown: Downingtown, Pennsylvania (about 45 minutes outside of Philadelphia!)
Tell us a little bit about your background:
I’m currently going into my senior year at Boston University’s College of Communication, majoring in both journalism and public relations! I think my dual major and past internships (I’ve worked for a small boutique agency and a national digital publication) have really allowed me to see multiple sides of media relations and really explore what I love in communications. I think all of these experiences have given me a unique perspective in my work.
Aside from my majors, I take part in a lot of organizations on my college campus such as my sorority, on-campus publications, and ambassador programs. When I’m not running around with an iced coffee in my hand, I like to explore all that Boston has to offer (like its incredible food scene!).
What attracted you to BIGfish?
I really wanted to work for an innovative PR agency that was devoted to making people’s lives better through the products they were advocating for–and that’s what I found in BIGfish. When I came in for the first time, I immediately sensed that the people working here were actually passionate about the clients they were working for! I also like that BIGfish really promotes the tech products that enhance people’s quality of life.
Describe yourself in 5 words:
Energetic, Passionate, Determined, Curious, Fun-loving
What’s your favorite food?
Always down for brunch–and I’ll always order an eggs benedict!
What do you hope to accomplish in this internship?
I’m looking forward to achieving a deeper understanding of how agency life works and also getting to exercise my creative brain. BIGfish really emphasizes hands-on participation which is exactly what I was looking for an internship. I’m hoping to be challenged in the best way possible and grow within my media career!
Anything else we should know about you?:
I’m definitely one of the clumsiest people you’ll ever meet–ranging from falling off a bus to having a street sign fall on me! Literally don’t know how this stuff happens to me, it just does.
Name: Emily Rosenberg
Twitter: @emrosenberg28
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emily-rosenberg-1a95a1149/
Hometown: Simsbury, CT
Tell us a little bit about your background:
I am currently a rising senior at Boston University studying public relations with a minor in Spanish. Last semester I studied abroad in Madrid, where I also interned at the Spanish PR agency ROI UP. Before that I interned for a year at Boston Children’s Hospital on the social media team. Someday I hope to move to New York and do PR in the music industry!
What attracted you to BIGfish?
I was first attracted to BIGfish because of the hands-on internship experience they offer. I am so excited to dive into projects and BIGfish really gives interns the opportunity to grow and get the most out of the position as possible. And on top of that, I love tech and innovation, and after reading the case studies on the BIGfish website, I knew I wanted the chance to work with such an impressive client list.
Describe yourself in 5 words:
Passionate, bubbly, ambitious, loving, energetic
What’s your favorite food?
Any kind of pasta!
What do you hope to accomplish in this internship?
Because of my background in social, I am really looking forward to learning more about media relations and media pitching. I am so excited to be applying everything I’ve learned over the past 3 years at BU to a real agency setting.
Anything else we should know about you?
My favorite place in the world is my family’s Cape Cod house in Harwich Port. When I’m not working this summer – I’ll be there! Also if I could have a superpower, it would be the ability to speak any language.

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BIG fish PR is an unconventional agency that helps its clients redefine their industries.