How to Maximize Coverage for Your Product Launch

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With new tech products hitting the market every day, getting your product on the radar of the most relevant reporters may seem like a daunting task. The reality is, no matter how well your press release is crafted, merely sending it across the wire won’t result in much coverage on its own. In order to maximize coverage of your product launch,, you’ll want to employ other strategies to break through the noise. We’re bringing you three must-do tactics to ensure your product launch is as successful as possible.

  1. Embargoed Reviews

If you want in-depth reviews to publish on the day of your launch, you’ll want to conduct some embargoed outreach to several top tier, on-target reporters. This means coordinating with the reporters to try out the product a few weeks ahead of time, and ensuring their piece publishes as soon as the news goes live (and not any time before that!). In addition to ensuring the stories publish as soon as the news goes live, embargoed outreach enables consumers to immediately have a point of reference on the quality of your product before they buy it.

  1. Day-of Outreach

Once the press release crosses the wire, you’ll want to start conducting additional outreach to every relevant reporter you can find. In preparation for your day-of outreach, you should build a comprehensive list of media contacts who are on-target and will be interested in the news you are sharing. Taking the time to personalize your pitches based on reporter or beat will lead to better results than merely blasting out a generic launch pitch to every reporter on your list.

  1. Follow ups

Unless a reporter has specifically indicated not to follow up with them, you’ll want to send a  follow up email a day or two after you send your initial pitch. Reporters receive hundreds of emails a day and sometimes things get lost in the shuffle. Follow ups ensure your pitch has one more chance to make it to the top of their inbox. If there’s a reporter you know should be covering your kind of news, you may even consider following up with a phone call to let them know about your launch.
The BIGteam has seen considerable success employing these tactics (check out our News Page to see the latest stories we’ve secured through our pitching!) Do you need help with an upcoming product launch? We’d love to work with you! Give us a call or shoot us an email to learn more about how we can help secure top-tier press coverage on your launch day.
And be sure to follow us on Twitter to stay up to date on the latest PR news at @BIGfishPR!

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BIG fish PR is an unconventional agency that helps its clients redefine their industries.