CMB Consumer Pulse conducted an independent research study supported by Constant Contact to explore how consumers interact with brands on Facebook, which is the most popular platform for brand interaction (34% Facebook – 4% Twitter). Data was collected from 1,491 consumers, age 18+, in the United States (52% of this audience spends at least one hour a week on Facebook) and here’s some of what they said:
- Your fans will market for you.
Engage your current fans and they’ll spawn new fans all on their own!
o 56% of fans say they’re more likely to recommend a brand to a friend after becoming a fan.
- Your fans can make you money.
Don’t make your page a real-time commercial, but occasionally mention your products to remind your fans what they “liked” in the first place!
o 51% of fans say they’re more likely to buy a product since becoming a fan (especially fans ages 50 and up).
- Your fans are loyal.
Gaining fans is the hard part, but once they “like” you they’re yours forever!
o 76% of people have never “un-liked” a brand. (Fans over age 35 are even more likely to stay fans.)
- Your fans are real.
Users aren’t just randomly hitting the “like” button when they feel like it, they put genuine thought into the brands they “like.”
o 78% of people who “like” brands on Facebook like fewer than ten brands.
- More than half of your fans are already customers.
Remember to balance your content to appeal to those who are new to your brand and those who have been your fan for years.
o 58% of users “like” a brand because they are a customer.
- Your fans love a discount.
More than half of users “like” a page for discounts, so it’s important to occasionally run promotions to keep them interested!
o 57% of users “like” a brand to receive discounts and promotions.