BIGclient Beaver Country Day School Aims To Return to SXSWedu Stage

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BIGfish client Beaver Country Day School hopes to return to SXSWedu 2019 with an important message: social media and virtual reality can be used to build empathy and emotional skills.
Beaver has prepared a SXSWedu proposal that would suggest ways schools could incorporate social media lessons into their curricula in order to prompt students to consider the gravity of digital activity. This program would offer tools educators could use to teach students to examine their own digital behavior and recognize the impact their social presence can wield. It would also  emphasize the importance of flexible curriculums, as realms of learning in the digital age are emerging constantly. Beaver is excited about the opportunity to return to the SXSWedu stage, but since votes from the public count for 30% of programming selection, they need the community’s help to get there! To vote for this topic, simply create a free account at the panelpicker site, log in and give their proposal (linked here) an “up vote” by August 30th!

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