October 24, 2018

4 Things to Keep In Mind When Choosing a PR Agency


Public relations is an essential part of any business strategy, as it generates brand awareness and tells the story of your company. But choosing a public relations agency can be an overwhelming decision. To help you find the right fit for your company, we have compiled a list of things to keep in mind as you begin your search.

1.Establish PR Goals
As a preliminary step to the process, your company should understand and clarify what they are trying to accomplish by hiring a PR agency. Whether it be expanding globally, generating media placements, or positioning your brand as an industry leader, you should be clear on the results you are looking to see.
2. Determine Which Size is Right
There is no one-size-fits-all solution for finding a PR agency, so it’s worth considering the benefits of both large agencies and smaller, boutique ones to determine which is right for your company. Boutique agencies can be more responsive, affordable and results-driven, and their smaller sizes allow for personalization and flexibility with their clients (we may be biased, but we think this is the way to go!).
3. Find Specialization in your Industry
The PR necessary for an emerging celebrity and the PR necessary for a small tech startup are drastically different, so it’s crucial to find an agency that has experience in your field. Chances are, a more specialized agency already has great relationships with the reporters you’re hoping to reach and will be able to get your story told in all the right places.
4. Seek Chemistry
It can be helpful to meet in person with an agency while making your decision to get a feel for the personalities on the team. You’ll be working together closely to get your story told, so it’s helpful to have compatible personalities. Ideally, your PR team should feel like an extension of your own team, and you want to be excited to work with them.
Finding the right agency can be a long process but if you take these steps into consideration you will know that your expectations and needs will be met by the agency you end up hiring. If you are interested in learning what our talented team of PR professional can do for your company, reach out to us here!

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BIG fish PR is an unconventional agency that helps its clients redefine their industries.