August 8, 2016

Vote for Beaver Country Day School to Present at SXSWedu 2017!

Beaver hopes to return to SXSWedu 2017 to present a panel on unlearning.

BIGfish client Beaver Country Day School hopes to make it to SXSWedu 2017 next March, but needs help from the community in order to get there.
One of the nation’s leading independent schools, Beaver is already a SXSWedu veteran: they presented for two consecutive years in 2014 and 2015 on its pioneering “Coded Curriculum,” and are hoping to return again next March. This year, the focus is on the power of unlearning.
When faced with a new problem, we often rely on our old habits and past experiences to guide our decision-making process; we tap into existing schemas and leverage things we already know to reach a solution. But the practice of unlearning hopes to undo all that. The conscious act of unlearning, as unintuitive as it may seem, helps students and teachers approach problems with a new perspective, and will enable them to tackle and conquer educational challenges that may have been impossible based on their old way of thinking. The panelists will examine the impact this important, yet underutilized tool, has on educators, students and curricula.
Beaver is excited about the opportunity to return to SXSWedu, but since votes from the public count for 30% of programming selection, they need the community’s help! Voting is open through September 2 on the SXSWedu PanelPicker. To vote for Beaver, simply create a free account, log in and give their proposal a thumbs up.
Click here to view and vote for Beaver’s proposal “Forget what you know: the power of unlearning.”

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