What is Hot in PR? 5 Public Relations Predictions for 2024


In 2023, the PR industry and BIG FISH PR experienced some BIG changes that will likely continue into 2024. Here are the top 5 predictions from our PR agency for 2024:

  1. BIG Media Moves: The trend toward consolidation, streamlining, AI authoring, and new media entrepreneurship opportunities was already in full swing in 2023, and it is highly likely that 2024 will see an increase in opportunities for smart, strategic media relations and storytelling. 
  2. Data-Driven PR: As technology continues to advance in 2024, publicists and marketers are likely to increasingly rely on data analytics to measure campaign effectiveness. 2024 will likely see more sophisticated tools for real-time monitoring, analysis, and reporting, as well as data-driven decision-making and storytelling. 
  3. Integration of AI and Automation: Automation tools and AI were already making inroads in PR tasks such as generative content creation, distribution, media monitoring, and analytics. In 2024, these technologies will likely become more deeply integrated into PR workflows, enabling professionals to streamline processes and focus on the more strategic aspects of their work. 
  4. Evolving Media Landscape: The media landscape has been undergoing significant changes, with the rise of new digital platforms and changes in traditional media. In 2024, public relations strategies will need to adapt to the evolving media landscape, which includes a greater emphasis on niche outlets, multimedia content, and new storytelling formats. 
  5. Authenticity and Purpose-Driven Communication: Audiences are increasingly valuing authenticity and purpose in the brands they support. PR strategies in 2024 will need to prioritize authentic communication and align with social and environmental causes. Brands that demonstrate and communicate a strong commitment to values will likely find themselves more favorably positioned in the public.
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BIG fish PR is an unconventional agency that helps its clients redefine their industries.