Lifting autonomous drones to new heights

clients american robotics
BIG FISH PR For Drones
Ground Breaking FAA Approval
Total Press Hits
Million Impressions


American Robotics engaged with BIG FISH PR to announce a first-of-its-kind FAA approval that enables the company to fly its Scout System drone autonomously with no visual observers or pilots on the ground. This approval has the ability to unlock the $100 billion commercial drone market.

American Robotics has developed the next generation of drone technology: a fully-automated drone system capable of continuous, unattended operation. Once installed, autonomous Scout drones work with automated base stations to capture, process, analyze, and transfer data remotely to users. The base stations charge and house the drone to prepare for each next flight and upload the data collected from each flight to ScoutView, the analytics interface users interact with.

For more information on American Robotics, visit:



To secure coverage of American Robotics’ FAA approvals, BIG FISH PR developed a strategy built around an in-depth exclusive at a tier-one business publication. In targeting an exclusive, BIG FISH PR was able to ensure a news hit that details why this is a milestone for the UAV space and how the drone will be used to benefit users. An exclusive also enabled BIG FISH PR to tell a more in-depth story about the company’s and industry’s growth and where the American Robotics is going in the future.

Once the exclusive was secured, BIG FISH PR prepared for day-of outreach to a large list of reporters covering the verticals and sectors American Robotics’ targets, as well as general tech, innovation, and business press. The goal was to amplify the exclusive with additional pick up of the news in other online and print publications.



As a result of BIG FISH PR’s preparation and groundwork put into securing the exclusive for American Robotics, their FAA approvals were seen by millions of readers, including decision-makers and buyers within the industries they sell their drones to. Since the announcement, American Robotics has seen a huge uptick in interest from customers and partners and BIG FISH PR continues to tell American Robotics’ unique story in the media as the company announces new products, materials, and more.

BIG fish PR Clients are brands that go BIG.