How to Incorporate Google Analytics into Your PR Campaign

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The media and technology landscapes are ever-changing and PR must adapt accordingly. Gone are the days of traditional PR methods, such as storing press hits from newspapers in dusty old binders (which is what we found while cleaning out our office recently!). Since nearly everything our society does is digital, PR firms need to constantly […]

BIGnews in the Tech World

It’s been another exciting few weeks in the tech world and the BIGteam is here to catch you up on all the latest and greatest news you might have missed. Check out the stories that caught our eye this week and let us know what you’ve been following in the comments below!

It’s A Wonderful Day In The Neighborhood Thanks To BIGclient Ring

BIGfish public relations blog photo

BIGclient Ring has long been on a mission to reduce crime in neighborhoods with its line of home security products, and yesterday our favorite doorbell company took its mission a step further with the launch of its Neighbors app (available on iOS and Android). Neighbors is a neighborhood watch app that provides real-time, local crime […]

How to Spring Clean Your Office Space

BIGfish public relations blog photo

The BIGteam has a very exciting move coming up in just a few short weeks! While we’ve loved working in the cozy and quaint Brookline Village, we’re thrilled to be heading to our new office on Newbury Street! With the move just under a month away, we’ve begun packing up our office knick-knacks and thought […]